Firework Noise

Fireworks can be terrifying for pets:

  • July 5th is the busiest day at shelters nationwide due to lost pets.
  • Microchip your pet and ensure they have a collar with identification tags.
  • Invest in a GPS tracker for your dogs that attaches to their collar.

Why fireworks are so scary:

  • Fireworks can reach 150 decibels at 3 feet away, compared to a jet taking off at 130 decibels.
  • Dogs have a heightened sense of hearing and can hear four times further than humans. However, they can’t always tell where the sound is coming from, leading to panic and a strong urge to run.
  • Cats have an even higher sense of hearing than dogs and also can’t determine the noise’s source. They too will bolt and run, so keep them indoors in a quiet, interior room without windows.

Ways to calm your pets:

  • Play calming music for your pet. Consider something like the iCalmPet portable speaker with hours of calming classical and reggae music.
  • Give your pup strong, firm pets to reassure them.
  • Check with your vet about anxiety medicine, such as CBD treats.
  • Try a calming vest for your pets, which can feel like a hug to them.
  • Keep them in a safe place like their kennel, with a sitter, a friend, or a doggy daycare facility they are familiar with.

Alcohol Can Poison

  • Never leave alcoholic beverages where a dog can access them. Dogs can become very weak, suffer respiratory failure, and even die in extreme cases.

Barbecue Safety

  • Keep lighter fluid and matches away from your dog. Ingestion can damage blood cells and cause difficulty breathing. Inhalation can result in pneumonia.
  • Keep charcoal and kabob skewers out of reach.
  • Citronella oils, while good for keeping bugs away, are harmful to dogs.
  • Avoid giving rib, chicken bones, and fatty meats to pets.

Fireworks/Glow Sticks/Jewelry

  • Ingestion of fireworks, glow sticks, and jewelry can cause excessive drooling and stomach irritation.
  • Never use fireworks around your dog. This can lead to severe burns and trauma to their face and paws.
  • Unlit fireworks can pose serious health risks if ingested.